Thursday, June 26, 2014

What makes a class blog most effective for parents and teachers? 

As a parent, what information would be most beneficial to you on a class blog? 
 Would you like to see upcoming activities, important dates, current objectives/goals, etc? Please share your ideas in the comments below.


  1. I think as a parent I'd like to see newsletters posted in the blogs, field trip info, homework assignments. I think the last is the most important because I know when I was younger it was the worst at writing assignments and test down so I know my mom would have loved to be able to go to a blog and see what was due the nest day.

    1. I agree that it is important for parents to know what we are doing at school and what can be done at home to help. My little ones don't always get their newsletter to their parents. I will find them crumbled up in the bottom of their bag. I think it is great for parents to be able to access these things online.

  2. I think the access to upcoming activities and important dates would be essential to a classroom blog. I am not a parent, but thinking far into the future, I would also like to see what my student is currently doing. I think that it would be nice to not only have the important information, but also pictures of students classwork (without names of course) as well as explanations of why the project was done. I think that this allows for parents to stay engaged into the classroom, when they may not be able to take off and volunteer in the classroom like others.

    1. Lauren, I feel like parents would love to see images of what their little ones are creating. Plus, it would make the students feel so proud to see their work online.

  3. I feel that important classroom and school activity dates and homework asssignments are very essential to a class blog. In keeping our precious students in mind some of them are organized and some are not and parents being able to check the class blog it would serve as a reminder and eliminate missed assignments and deadlines. As students get older (high school) the important school activities becomes very important because once on the high school level so many activities are introduced that students aren’t normally accustomed to having.

    1. I love the idea of helping students stay organized through technology.

  4. I think posting homework assignments would be a great thing on a class blog. You could also post supplemental resources for students to enhance their understanding. Parents could use these resources to get involved in their child's education. Any student who misses class could also go to the blog and see what they missed.

    1. Posting supplemental resources would be so helpful. I am constantly sending home packets to my parents on ways to help their student at home. This would cut down on paper and time.

  5. A very appropriate posting and timely as well. This is an excellent use of a weblog to encourage collaboration with parents and the sharing of information resources they can use to supplement classroom instruction.

  6. I believe a blog is a great communication tool between the teacher and the parent. If a teacher keeps up with the blog, a parent can go in and look at assignments; what is happening for the week in class and in the school; and a parent can have resources to help his/her child with his/her work. Definitely less paper!
